8 oz. All-natural Peeled Garlic Cloves


A half pound, about 40 peeled cloves, to stow in your freezer. Then, as your recipes call for garlicky goodness, pull out a few to drop in. Melissahof gourmet garlic is all-naturally grown, without synthetic chemicals, near Lander, Wyo. Cloves are vacuum-packed in resealable pouches.

Asian Tempest

An Asiatic garlic, Asian Tempest is a native variety of South Korea. A U.S. military veteran of the Korean War and his Korean wife brought the Asian Tempest variety to their Oregon farm. Their neighbor, Sweetwater Farm, first grew it commercially. Asian Tempest cloves are large and colored deep violet. Its raw flavor is intensely spicy! When cooked, its richness mellows into the tangy taste of a sweet pepper.

Chamisal Wild

This Rocambole garlic was discovered growing wild — naturalized — along Chamisal Creek at 8,000 feet in elevation in New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo Mountains. One of the earliest known written records of garlic growing in America is found in Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá’s epic poem, “A History of New Mexico,” published in 1610. Today, Chamisal Wild is a rare heirloom variety sought after for its robust flavor.

Pehoski Purple

Handed down through the generations of the Polish community of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, in the 1970s Chris Pehoski nurtured this Purple Stripe garlic into its current robustness. In 1988, Seed Savers Exchange noted Chris’s stewardship and named the variety, Pehoski Purple. Pehoski Purple’s strong garlic flavor provides three different tastes at the front, middle, and back of the palate.  A very versatile garlic in the kitchen that fits well into most dishes while being easy to peel and chop. The flavor stays a while reminding one of the pleasures of the garlicky meal eaten.

Georgian Fire

This Porcelain garlic is one of the hottest varieties. It flavors salsas well! It originated in Cichisdzhvari, Republic of Georgia. Georgian Fire contains a high amount of the sulfur compound allicin that holds powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The high allicin content creates the sulfurous, hot flavor.






Lander, Wyo.
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Melissahof is the farm – “hof” is German for farm – of Melissa Hemken. Living near Lander, Melissa discovered that the rural expansiveness of Wyoming hindered the mail shipment of healthy day-old chicks. Melissahof Hatchery was established after Melissa chased down a postal delivery truck at 3 o’clock on a Sunday morning to rescue a mail order of chicks that had been in transit for 83 hours – some were, unfortunately, dead on arrival. Chicks absorb the yolk of the egg right before hatch, and can subsist on it only for 72 hours. Then, they require water and feed. The truck driver was happy to see Melissa, because he regularly delivers boxes of silent, expired chicks on his rounds across Wyoming.

Recognizing that other Wyoming folks also need healthy chicks for their flocks, Melissa raises dual-purpose heavy breed poultry from which to hatch purebred chicks. The chosen heritage breeds produce both eggs and meat, and have plumage and small combs suitable for cold winters. When eggs are incubated into chicks, there is a 50/50 gender split. Every newly hatched laying hen has a brother! Most customers purchase the female chicks – called pullets. Melissa raises the rooster chicks, nicknamed the “McNuggets,” on pasture to harvest as meatbirds.

Melissa considers the ecosystem and entire lifecycle of her poultry in her holistic farm management. The eggs from the breeding hens are set in the incubator to hatch into chicks or sold as nutrient-rich table eggs. The pullets, healthy and stress-free from avoiding out-of-state shipment, thrive in egg-laying flocks across Wyoming. The rooster chicks, the McNuggets, happily run the pasture until they “meat” their destiny as flavorful, nutritious food.

In this way, Melissahof produces hearty poultry and holistic eats for you.


Additional information

Select Garlic Variety

Chamisal Wild, Asian Tempest, Vietnamese Red, Pehoski Purple, Georgian Fire


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